Monday, April 26, 2010

Rant it

I am so exhausted.
I have no idea how many times I have whined about being tired and exhausted this year, and I'm pretty sure that this is not going to be the last.

My head is groggy, and theres this "pre-feeling" that my gastric is going to act up again, so I'm not feeling very well and comfortable today.

After Saturday's jamming, I think I strained my throat. Used the wrong way to sing again.

OK, all these aside.

Have you ever tried staring blankly into the sky, and allows your mind to go anywhere it wants? You would be surprised at your ability to day dream. How wonderful would it be if life is just simply a dream (not nightmare), where nothing unpleasant exist?

... ... ...

Hmmm.... too much cartoons and sci-fi-s are definitely not helping.

I had enough of being deceived. Why am I always the last one to know the truth?

Ps: I love birthdays. Happy Birthday Yee En! and Happy Birthday in advance, Shanen! :D
