Thursday, April 15, 2010

Importance. Balance.

If you ask me, what is the most important thing (to me) in life, I'll answer you, (without having a second thought): "To live happily without regrets".

I've done quite alot of thinking lately, especially when I was asked to rank the 'most important' and the 'least important', between my studies, my interest to write and my music endeavor. I just had to justify why, the three of them are of equal importance.

Please, I appeal to all, not to convince me that my A levels should be my main priority now. Yes its important, BUT, to me, it isn't the MOST important.

"To live happily without regrets" does not only consist of good grades, good A level certificate, but also, to fulfil (if possible) all goals in life. (In my case, to pursue music and directing movie.)

If, I only focus solely on my A levels, I would forgo my chance of accomplishing my dreams, my passions and vice versa. I can't say that if I chose either-or, I won't lead a happy life, but, definitely with regrets. Hence, I seek and strive for a balance.

Giving either one of them up, has never been an option for me.

I adhere to what I believe. So, if any adults come to me and ask me to make a choice between my dreams and academic, I'll choose both. Although, I'm well aware that somethings in life, you will never get the best of both worlds. I don't see why I should give either one of them up when I haven't even tried to do my best for both.

Striking a balance has never been an easy task. Especially when there are unforeseen circumstances around you to distrupt your well organized plan.

Since my dreams and academic are both equally important to me, don't ask me to stop my music because I'm not performing well for my academic. Well, then, I must say, I haven't been performing well for my music too, so should I stop my academic for music?

I'm stubborn, and maybe to some, I'm impulsive and immature. BUT Its my life, its my choice. You cannot direct me what to do, or what not to do.

Just shut up.
