Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Found it

Have you ever felt that you have found something that you cherished so much/ love it so much that you will always looked forward to it, in life?

I've found it.

Well, I can't say that its absolutely for life, but at least for the near future.

It had occured to me that, one never treasures what has always been there for them. Its only when, they realised that they can no longer hold on to them, they started to regret that they've took the "whatever", for granted.

I'm no exception.

I'm very ambivalent, when nearer to VIVACE!. One part of me, is looking very forward to VIVACE!, but the other side of me, is reluctant to move on with time. Because, once VIVACE! is over, I'll have to leave TPGE.

I WAS very whiney about attending practice sessions at first. Well, no excuse, because I'm just lazy.
But after we have been through so much together as a team, as an ensemble, when it had dawned upon me that: "hey! we are stepping down in a months' time!" I wasn't feeling very comfortable.

Sometimes, people just refuse to learn from their mistakes.

I'm no exception.

I'm well aware that everyone should cherish what they have before it too late, but most of the time, I just stubbornly refuse to act upon it.

But theres no point being whiney about this, its not going to change the fact.
All I can do now is to just cherish what I'm left with, and in the near future, hopefully I could end the whole experience pleasantly, with wonderful memories of it.

I hope its not too late, to realise that: "Hey I found it, I've found TPGE!"
