Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Carpe Diem

When I was still in Secondary school, my teacher told us the importance of Carpe Diem aka seize the day.

Yes. I agree Carpe Diem is important, but regretfully, because of procrastination and laziness, I haven't been doing it.

I've always told myself that I will do this and do that after my exams/ when holidays come. But usually I never did complete what I wanted to do.

2010 will end in 2 days, and what have I accomplished? Nothing. Whatever I've planned to do after A levels, I didn't really finish them. Because? I'm lazy.

Taking everyday for granted, taking every minute and every second for granted, I fail to seize the day. It would be better if there was a deadline for me, so at least, I won't waste my life away.

But, besides sitting in front of the PC and wallow in self pity, I am still not doing much.
So much for seizing the day ehz?
