Friday, December 31, 2010

Its the end yet its another beginning

2010 will end in 3 hours time, its time for a conclusive post for the year shall we?

Frankly, 2010 is a terrible year and I'm never so glad to end it. Judging by the number of emotional breakdowns I had over these 12 months, I shall not waste time explaining why 2010 is such an unpleasant experience for me.

I've regretted, wasting these two years of my life. (Thats from the bottom of my heart, I really think so.) I've lost way too many things... Maybe because I've started this two years with the wrong attitude, the wrong footing. I haven't give in my best, hence I've lost... the old self, the old Jean whom I used to be.

Despite losing so much, its undeniable that I've gain something out of this wrong choice that I've made. Lets not forget the happy moments ya? Yes, first price for Guitar competiton; the success of Vivace!; built treasurable friendships with my TPGE people; found my love; went to Korea and saw snow... etc. Thus, it would be unfair, for me, to condemn 2010 to such extent. (Even though these happiness maynot have left such impression on me, I was happy then and I shall be happy thereafter.)

31 Dec 2010, new year eve. I promised myself to end this year with a big bang, but due to some unforesee circumstances, while people are down at Marina Bay singing Auld Lang Syne, enjoying the fireworks, ending 2010 on a high note, here I am, sitting in front of my computer blogging. What a dull way to welcome the arrival of 2011 huh?

Well, since I can't do much to improve my current situation, I can only accept it. May all unhappiness end along with 2010. Hope 2011 will be a new beginning to another chapter of my life.

When it comes to new year, lets not forget our new year resolutions and wishes ya? I'm greedy, I have 2 wishes and 3 resolutions.
1) I wish 2011 will be a better year.
2) I wish the people I love and care about to stay happy and healthy.
3) I want to do something useful this year, no more being lazy.
4) I will continue with music and drawing for as long as possible.
5) I will complete my thousand pieces puzzle.

At the very least, I can cross out number 5 :P HAHA.

Time to forget the frustrations and unhappiness. End them here and don't carry them forward to 2011. I realised that its important to start a new year with the right attitude and footing.
Happy New Year.

Happy 2011.