Friday, December 3, 2010

Taking off soon

Yup this is it, the trip that I've been pending for months. Finally I'm taking off tomorrow.
However now, I feel quite... reluctant to go.
I guess, partly is because of the worrying situation over there. If the conflict escalates, coming back alive could be a problem... or am I thinking too much?

Feel like changing the flying plan to Hong Kong. Yes, Hong Kong again, my next favourite place to Provence (Though I haven't been there. Well maybe, next stop Provence shall be!!! :P).

Anyway, I'll keep my finger cross and hope it will be a safe trip.

Did I ever mention, I don't like the airport?
Its a place where goodbyes usually surface. I have a weak heart, I don't think I can take another goodbye.
Just last year, a few hours before I depart for Hong Kong, Granny made me a bowl of birthday noodle. She said because I'll be away during my birthday, she made me a bowl of noodle to celebrate my birthday with me in advance.
After hearing what she said, I couldn't stop tearing and got the strong urge to cancel my trip.
Don't see me off, I don't think I can take it.

Okay, logging off soon for one final shopping.
Wish us Bon Voyage yo!!!
