Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just a feeling

Have you ever experience that, when one day you woke up in the morning and realised that you have lost something important to you?
After watching "Lost and Found" and read "The Great Blue Yonder" by Alex Shearer, it made me realised that losing someone or something you love is yet the worst.

Whats worst? Is losing what you love without a proper goodbye....
It brings grief and regret that will haunt you for life.

Yes, I know. Cause I've been through it. Because I tend to take what I have for granted... I fail to cherish...

Anyway, 2010 is coming to an end, Hope all ends well and I shall gracefully embrace the new beginning. ^^
I can't wait for 7 years later. ^^ How nice if it can happen earlier LOL!!! ^^
HAHA!!! Lets not ask for too much shall we?

Til then
Toodles!!! ^^