Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The 3 Questions

AH... JC life...

Are you tired?

Do you feel like giving up?

Ever wonder whats the point of all these?

To the questions above, I would answer YES.
As a matter of fact, I kept asking myself these 3 questions almost everyday.

Well, my dear friend, Atikah recently came up with a real 'good' solution to all these:
Marry off to a rich handsome man. :D
Then I get to enjoy the luxury of just sitting at home and be a rich "Tai-Tai". LOL
Of course, the premise is that I already have a rich hunk within my grip. MUAHAHAHA :P (OK~ it sounds wrong)

But most unfortunately, I don't have one. HAHA.


Since I don't have a rich hunk to hold on to, no matter how tired I am; how strongly I feel like giving up or how continuously I question myself of the point and meaning of everything, all I could do is to hang in there till A Level is over.

I try to stay positive.

Nevertheless, along the way, if you ask me these 3 questions again, my answer would still be YES.

PS: My mum kept telling me that if I actually made it to university, it could be a good chance for me to widen my circle of friends (When she said that, she meant: to know more guys). :D
