Tuesday, February 16, 2010

(Singing) On the 3rd day of new year...~

My 4 days break ended on a high-note. :D
(OK~ not exactly that high but not that low either LOL.)

Though the tiring and bugging family problem has yet to be resolved, but I'm pretty confident that someday it will and I'll try to think positive.
(Sheesh!~ All the alcohol for nothing! I vow to myself that I shalt never drown me troubles with ALCOHOL AGAIN!)

I thank god for these 4 days of break.
I manage to do some catching up, not only on my academics but also on my music. :D
Mastering D-Grayman's 'The White Ark Returns' aka Tsunaida Te Ni Kiss Wo on the piano; Practicing Summer Breeze, Gavotte and Blue Moon on the guitar; Trying out new chords and songs on the guitar too; Writing new songs; Trying/Singing high pitch and songs.
Yes that mainly what I've been doing. :D

Yes spent my last day of break with the love of my life again. Guess who? Yes! Those 3 little adorable kids. They are simply adorable beyond words! LOVE THEM!

OK the end of holiday equates to the start of work. Switching back to the studying mode.

Since Lunar New Year last for 15 days, well, no harm saying it again. :D