Monday, February 8, 2010

Mark it

Today is the first day of Friendship week.
My school made today as 'Mark Your Friends' Day (or was it something else? Well... who cares as long as the meaning is there.)

So practically, people draw on their friends with markers. (Of course, no offensive and disturbing statements/ remarks were allowed)

OK so I got marked. On both of my arms. :D

Mum fetched me home today. Upon seeing my arms being covered with red blue green and yellow, she exclaimed in utter disbelief that my arms were "vandalised".

Well, it was an expected reaction. So I'm not complaining. :P

I was extremely cranky today, probably because of the lack of sleep and in addition, my Literature tutor was getting on to my nerves this morning hence she just makes everything worse.

CNY is like this Sunday!!! Can't wait for all my red packets, and HEHE Ben 10 YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR ME OK ??!!

Oh I'm still cutting down on junk food LOL