Monday, February 15, 2010

Festive Period

Last Friday I got drunk during the reunion dinner.
Two and a half cups of diluted alcohol down, my face started turning red and I'm already blabbering nonsensical remarks (Nothing offensive I hope).
The next day I've got a slight hangover. I was feeling fatigue and my head was pounding in pain. Bad choice in attempting to drown my troubles.

Spent my first day of Lunar New Year and Valentines' day with the love of my life yesterday. :D The family did some visitings and eventually, we settled at my uncle's house in the evening. We played Black Jack (Yes, its a annual Lunar New Year game) right after dinner. I can't say I was down on my luck, because I won back my capital. I can't say I was super lucky because I only won back my capital. :P

Before Black Jack, I was with my 5 year old cousin - Xave, playing his version of 'Pictionary'. He immersed himself in the world of his own, acting like a small professor, explaining to me the rules of his game. That was an uber cute sight!!:D
There was one instance, during the game, when I suddenly lost all interest to play with him. I replied half heartedly to Xave's questions for clues to what I'm drawing.
Somehow this 5 year old little boy could sense that something was wrong with me, hence he asked: "Why do you sound so tired?"
He woke me with his question. But I can't even explain the reason why? to myself, let alone explaining it to him. Hence I just told him that I'm really tired because I didn't get enough sleep, and started telling him that he should sleep early or else he won't have enough energy to play.
To me, the loneliest moment isn't when you are alone. Its when in fact, you are around with a huge group of people, and you felt... alone.
There are a few instances (besides the one mentioned above) while in the mist of an intriguing conversation/game, my soul would wonder off to somewhere and then lost it's way back. It feels like, something suddenly reminds me of the reality that I'll have to face after all the fun, after all the laughter, after that moment.
Yes, Reality Check.

Staying at home today to finish up all my homework. Visiting my aunt tomorrow.