Sunday, February 28, 2010

(Post no. 228) 28 Feb 2010 Coincidence!

Feeling quite frustrated.
Since its the last day of February, I hope for a good and happy closure. Hence, I shall not rant now, I'll save it for later.

I just started on Sleepers Awake this evening, and guess what? I still have 21 more bars to go!!! In addition to that, I've also memorized the all parts that I've covered!!! Which means that 3/4 of Sleepers Awake, 4/4 of Summer Breeze and 4/4 of Gavotte have been stored in my head!!! Kudos to me!!!
Memorizing pieces? HAH!!! That's my forte. :D

My chemistry tutor went through Alkyl-halides, SN1 and SN2 mechanisms. I don't get them. It's super saddening.

I had my reservations about the prescribed cream to relief the itchy sensation caused by my Eczema condition. It's not working, and the word: "POISON" printed on the cream tube label just scares me to no end.

Anyway, Last day of February, also the last day of Lunar New Year.
Heres one last wish from me to you (Whoever is reading this post.)