Monday, February 22, 2010

Thinking and Talking

I like to think. Even for the slightest things, I would think about it over and over again for days or maybe months.

(Well that explains my next habit...)

I like to talk... to myself. Some people said that those who talk to themselves are not crazy, but extremely clever and smart, because talking to themselves (in this case myself) stimulates thoughts. (Of course it depends on what do you actually talk to yourselves about.) Talking to oneself enables one to have many different perspectives to all things possible. :D Even though I never tried to deny that I'm crazy, in this case, I must say that when I talk to myself, it is not because I'm mentally unsound. Its because I undergoing some serious debate/argument/thinking within me.

Anyway, I'm in a pretty good mood this week. it could be because of Lunar New year, or could be because, I could foresee that somethings around me are going to change for the better (excluding my academic performance). LOL.

Next song to practice : Jonas Brother's Fly With Me. :D

I was writing song(s) last week during the 4 days break. I didn't manage to complete before school reopens. Now in attempting to continue, I found that I'm stuck. I try not to feel bad about it.

I trying to stay positive.
Here a joke to laugh about: What did the SUSHI said to the BEE?
- WASABI? (Whats-Up-Bee?)