Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Moon and Stars

I'm glad that my bed is just by the window.
So everynight I'm given the privilege to enjoy the moonlight and the stars (if theres any) to my heart's content.

I guess I'm lucky tonight.
I spotted a few more sparkling dots in the dark sky. :)
Staring at those shiny little things makes me very happy. (Well judging by how I'm feeling down and moody lately, even if the happiness only lasted for a mere second, its good enough.)

Theres a reason why I love the moon and the stars.
When night falls and its pitch dark out there; When everything just seems hopeless and lonely, I'm glad that the stars and the moon are there to light up my path and show me the way.
I see hope.

Right now, fallen, again so low, and tangled with myriad problems, what I'm looking forward everyday would be the time when I'm able to quietly enjoy the stars and moon.
Its my only comfort.
Its my only way out.

I'm not expecting much now.
Even if this means that I really cannot make it to a Local U.
So far, I've done my learning justice. I've given my best shot.
Whether YOU people believe it or not, it doesn't matter anymore. Go ahead and grimace in disbelief, or simply just disagree with what I'm doing, I don't care anymore, because ultimately, its MY life.
