Monday, May 24, 2010

Energy bar = Empty

OK. I know I've complained that I'm exhausted and tired for god knows how many times. But feeling so fatigue, to the extent that I can doze off at any place and any time was a first.

If I'm a phone, my battery's energy level is only half a bar. Soon, the signal: "Battery empty, please recharge." will appear, and *PLOP! I'll just fall into a deep sleep. LOL (OK, thats pretty dramatic.)

Anyway, I couldn't emphasize more, that VIVACE! was a huge success, I still can't get over it.

I need to get my head back into academics, because I've promised myself and everyone that I'll do so. Even though theres guitar handover camp, and whatnot, I can't really devote myself as much now... :( My mum has been nagging these two days that I really should start hitting the books. So, I may not finish Lotus Eaters, Pirates of the Carribean, Jalousie... etc. SADNESS to the MAX!!! But I'll try. Maybe I'll play it when everyone is asleep or something. Hope it works!!!
