Wednesday, May 12, 2010


2 more weeks to the end of my commitments towards TPGE.
Feeling quite ambivalent.
Not extremely happy or sad.
Probably to some, yes, I finally could focus more on my academics.
To me, its one less thing to look forward to every week.

"Vivace" is a heavy load on my mind (let alone to even imagine the weigh it has on Dominic and Angelyn, Wai Ping, Shanen, Wan Zhen.. etc [practically all the concert in-charge]).
Because of the tight schedule, theres alot of things to be done before 22 May 2010. I kept having bad dreams on 'Vivace". Is it a bad omen? I worry.
I'm not complaining about the amount of things to do, like I mentioned before, its a bliss to worry, getting busy and all tied up for things that you care about. I'm happy that I'm involved and I'm doing all of these.
The sense of belonging is building up, its something I've never felt before, and its gonna end soon.

Like Angelyn said, TPGE is an ensemble that will eventually rise to the occasion and shine at the very last moment.
I couldn't agree more.
Yes, that makes the one and only briliance more valuable, more touching.

I hope all of my worries are unduly. "Vivace" will turn out well and successful.
