Sunday, May 23, 2010

The last note - The end of the journey

As the last note of Bach's Sleepers Awake rang and stopped yesterday, our TPGE journey ended along with it as well.

We started off with nothing. Not even able to play the easiest songs.

When nearing the competition period, when we still couldn't play as well as we oaught to, worries and anxieties were overwhelming. We worry that we can't even make it for the top 3.

We gave our best.
We clinched it. We claimed the first prize for the 4th Annual Guitar Competition, last month 17 April 2010.

"We were FIRST in the competition".
-Angelyn Wee

We had met alot of obstacles when we were preparing for "Vivace!". Many things did not go according to plan. Many of us were tired, demoralised, irritated, annoyed and whatnot.

We worry together, fret together, stressed together and cried (ok luh... not that dramatic) together. Nontheless, we worked hard together to solve all problems we faced possible.

And in the end, I guess we made it through the rain!

"VIVACE!" 2010 was a success!!!

"We are the FIRST batch to have a FULL HOUSE concert. "
"We are the FIRST batch to have plenty of rehearsals just for a concert."
-Angelyn Wee

It goes to show, if you have put in your effort, it will definitely pay off!!!

It was a touching moment when the ensemble reached the final phrase and the last note of Sleepers Awake.

I can't deny that when I reached the final phrase, my eyes were tearing.
My hands were reluctant to continue. I was reluctant to continue.
I closed my eyes, to enjoy the last ringing of the last few notes. I felt our love for music. I felt our passion for TPGE.

I wish we hadn't finished the song, I wish "Vivace!" didn't end, I wish yesterday could go on forever.

Sleepers Awake holds great sentimental value to all TPGE members, if not, at least for me. :D
We won first prize with Sleepers Awake. We sort of started off our TPGE journey with Sleepers Awake. And yesterday, we ended the journey with Sleepers Awake.

My last note was an E. I'll always remember that.

"TPGE always seriously shine during the right time"
-Angelyn Wee

I couldn't agree more. Hence this makes our one and only brilliance more valuable and touching.

~Something more personal.... :D

I remember, a few months ago, I was contemplating whether to take up the role and challenge of being a section leader or not.

My dilemma was because firstly, I'll be transferred to a new section which I'll have to spend more time to relearn all the songs.
Secondly, in terms of my ability, I did not believe I could do it.
Lastly, was my commitment level. I feared I couldn't commit as I'm expected to.

I accepted the offer in the end. Although I'm not a very good Section Leader, I'm quite happy with myself and that I'm given this opportunity. Many thanks to those who had recommanded me, and Dominic, Jun Jie, Jay and Jovi for teaching/guiding me along the way.

TPGE gave me a chance to conduct. Yesterday was my first and the probably my last time conducting. Although I'm not very good at it I had enjoyed myself. A good experience.

And I'm very grateful to Angelyn and Mr Choo for giving me this chance. I thank all Exco members for your feedback.

~On a side note...

Many asked me why am I still holding on to TPGE, even if I knew perfectly well that I can't balance my studies and CCA. They asked me: "What are you trying to prove?"

I told all of them: "I'm trying to prove to myself that I'm not a quitter. I'm trying to prove that my commitment span is not that short. I'm trying to prove to myself that I can perservere. I'm trying to prove to everyone that I will not walk out on any party ever again, even if the situation is problematic and disastrous."

I guess I've proved it.

~ To take this chance...



Angelyn - For giving me alot of opportunitites and being a great friend. I really can't thank you enough :D

Dominic - For being a great friend and your hard work - Printing matters LOL :D

Shanen & Wan Zhen & Wai Ping - For being a great friend always there to make me laugh :D

Jovi, Dominic, Willis & Jia Rong - Six Harmonix wouldn't be possible without you people. Our debut was a success!!! KEEP IT UP AND ON!!!!

Jay & Jun Jie - For your guidance. Jay - Sleepers Awake and Jun Jie - Your constant feed back on my singing and stage presence. They helped :D THANKS!!!

Eugene & Ernest - for your hard work and being a great friend :D

And thank you to those TPGE members who have helped me and assisted me in any way, along the way.

I have alot of emotions and feeling inside me, but whatever I wanted to say/express were practically what everyone had said, and my TPGE journey/ experience can't be easily concluded/summarized with just a few words and phrases. So, I guess I need not say more. LOL We all felt the same way.

Undeniably, the future without TPGE will definitely be pretty boring and empty. I'll treasure whatever memory I had with TPGE. (From last year's Panorama to the June camp, to this year's competition, to yesterday's "Vivace!"... et cetera.)

Batch: TPGE 0910 has a great bunch of extraordinary people.
To all TPGE members who read or don't read my blog:

"Everyone, I sincerely wish you people all the best for everything in life, never give up when things are not going your way, they will definitely get better and Lastly... ROCK ON! :D"

Keep in touch :D
