Monday, May 10, 2010

Sad Soul

I'm one sad sad soul.

Its a slow weekend, I'm not complaining.

Can't wait for next friday, so can spend time with ensemble people to decorate the banner. I'm so going to spam the white spray paint.

My world revolves around TPGE now. Nothing beats the MASS CONVO everyday. But to be fair and to strike a balance, I need to start hitting the books. Its not that I haven't been doing it, its just that nothing seems to register even after full 2 to 3 hours of cramming.

I guess my head is just as hollow as my stomach. Yes HOLLOW STOMACH. I only ate PLAIN bun and PLAIN congee today. EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY.

Light diet continues tomorrow. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SCOPIES TO END.
If can, I'll finish wed's homework tomorrow... which is Chem tutorial. Not even thinking about Tues' work because I'm missing school!!! Is it a good thing or a bad thing??? Hmmm... good question.

If I'm still able to walk around on tuesday after my scopes, I may drop by Daiso for my fake nail glue or Bugis Junction for Beard Papa. Its either or for me. :D But according to dad, my scopes will last for half a day... SAD SAD LIFE... ULTIMATE SADNESS.

Don't you people agree that I'm one SAD SOUL?