Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Last post ended rather abruptly.
Nevertheless, I shall not give it another ending because since I was interrupted, I've lost the inspiration to continue that entry.

Like I've mentioned earlier...
Try not to be too alone when you are alone.
Don't even give your thoughts and imaginations a chance to have control and take over your mind, or else you'll tend to lose it eventually.

Last few weeks were difficult for me. I was attempting to make responsible choices; busy reflecting/ changing; trying to find out who I am , where am I and/or what I want; cogitating as well as figuring out where and what to go for after A levels; questioning and mulling over the genuineness of my passion towards what I love; blah and whatnot.
In short, I've underwent another one of my waves of personal crisis... and I blame it all on my cognitive dissonances and the lack of understanding of myself.

All these cogitations, albeit arduous and burdensome, it was undeniably helpful (in one way or another) in assisting me to find out who/what I really am/want. Of course, at the end of the day, I guess they did helped me to work out of my cognitive dissonances and my struggles.

I guess everyone needs some reflective time, at some point in time or another, to chill off and to think about, or even plan out the different routes to take, for every different upcoming phases of life.
If not, perhaps you could just stop at this very moment or even for a few seconds/ moments to ponder about the very next path to take, and continue your journey from there.

For all you know, your choice of paths might be the key to a better change in your life.

Afterall, its all about choices and decisions isn't it?
