Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Observing facades

I like being invisible.
Merging myself quietly in the background, observing people.

How do you like being observed?
Don't ask me. I don't know, I figure no one actually observes me anyway - I'm invisible, remember?

No issues with being alone and quiet.
Why is it such a big deal to keep quiet?
Yes I don't talk much, so?
I mean yes, I'll speak up when I really have to, but normally, I prefer being quiet...

Occasionally, I would prefer to be an onlooker, because when you are too involved, I suppose you will be more burdened than ever.
(Of course, when it comes to music and my stuffs, I wouldn't mind being bugged and burdened.)
Now to think of it, in fact, sometimes, I find its easier to understand someone without much talking, without much communication.

TO ME, I believe that, when people speaks, they ought to hide, they tend to lie.
Usually, I end up befriending their facades, not them./ I'll end up knowing their "masks" better than knowing them. (Whichever case you like it to be.)

However, who am I to judge?
I'm one of those who hides, I'm one of those who lies, I'm one of those with multiple facades and masks on.

If you think you know me well and you think you have analysed/ understand me inside out, I urge you to think again.
Are you sure... you are not talking to my facades?
Are sure that you are befriending me and not my facades?


Worry not. My facades won't harm. They are nice alter egos... Well unless you were mean to them in any way, I can assure your safety when interacting with them. (*Wink).

PS: Found a good way to sing now. Just need to practice it. Hope it could help me in reaching songs of a higher range. :D
