Friday, July 16, 2010


Went out with guitar peeps again. We had a late lunch at With A Pinch Of Salt (WAPOS). Its a nice place to have your meal and catch up with your friends. The price and the portion is ok FOR ME. Well no doubt, I will patronise them again - when I have the chance - in the future.

Its always nice to sit with a group of fantastic people when you are down.
Even if you are not talking much - listening to them has become the best remedy to numb your pain. Indulging in their jokes and laughter, even if its just for a second, you will forget about your problems.

I don't talk much - unless I really have something to say - but I listen. I observe. So you think my soul is somewhere else? No you are wrong. I'm always there. Present.

Nothing beats just sitting there, not talking... but listening.

Ps: Escaping is no longer useful to me. Because when reality sinks in, it hurts even more.
Sometimes I wonder how did I land myself in this pathetic state?
I suppose its just like failing a paper, because you have chosen the wrong question to attempt.
Similarly, I guess I've made a wrong choice. A wrong decision. And now, I'm suffering.
